Friday, June 6, 2008


I've got an idiot for a sister.
Don't know how she got to be so dumb but last night, dad found out she was doing some really stupid things to herself.
Now, because of some stupid action of hers, i am now banned from watching mtv.
He thinks she's only did it because mtv is a bad influence.
At times like these, i think he's a foolish old man and my sister's an attention-seeking brat.
I'm not all that upset about not being able to watch mtv because there's always youtube and stuff.
I'm just annoyed at the fact that he's still trying to control me in that way.
Like seriously, i thought him allowing me to watch tv only on the weekends and holidays were bad enough.
Now he even wants to restrict me from watching certain channels.
Damn, this is just stupid.
Oh well, i'll survive.

Went for swimming yesterday.
Had to get up super early(before 8) but it's alright, i woke up well=)
Best part of training is the part about leaving the swimming complex.
Haha yeah, went to eat with gab and we finally spoke!
I miss her so much.
After we parted, i almost walked into SPALDING!
Hahahaha so i called fel and we spoke for about 15min.
It was nice catching up with her too.

The rest of the afternoon just flew by, like how the past few days did.
I guess it's because i enjoyed myself too much.
=)For every time you made me smile, thank you

Gab said life's a bitch.
I say kudos to that.
Well, sometimes anyway.

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