Saturday, September 6, 2008

Pictures, Photos, Memories

I have more photos on my wall now and i like that. You know how people say this when they catch you staring at them 'Take a picture, it lasts longer'? Well, i think it's true. The moments won't last, but the memories will, and with the help of photos, they last even longer. Like, i just got some photos developed a few days ago and i had fun flipping through them. All of them brought back different memories, but all sweet ones. I might not have gotten photos of/with everyone, but someday i will. I'll make it a point to do that. I want to remember everyone, be it a dear friend or someone i can't stand. I want to be able to say twenty years from now, 'Oh, i remember that idiot! He made my life miserable!' or maybe 'I remember her! She was a great friend'. I want to be able to laugh at the funny photos, smile at the pretty ones, cringe at the ones with people i don't like and maybe even tear at those which bring back the less happy memories. I want to be able to walk down nostalgia lane when i'm older and not have the faces, which i can so clearly form in my mind now, all mixed up and cloudy. 


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

you know what... i had the idea of making a real real BIG poster of many many many of HIS pics XDDD

and... maybe... i should make one EVEN BIGGER ONE on the swimmers!!!!!!! hahahaha. well... excluding that one particular face-.-

Anonymous said...

HAHA you're horrible.
But go ahead! I'll be there to provide you glue if you need it.

Anonymous said...

hahhahhah omg sam i love how the "he" is the idiot while the "her" is the great friend aahahahhahahaaah

Anonymous said...

You noticed that! Hahaha we're such feminist!
Horrible horrible. But i like!
