Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Today, during SD, we were asked to fill in a pink piece of paper with our scores for the common tests. I didn't have any trouble writing down whatever needed to be written down but after i was done, i looked at what i'd written down and it i got a huge shock. I knew i'd done pretty horribly before today, but i think i never really occurred to me how badly i'd done.
I guess it's what people would say it was a 'good wake up call'. Right now, the memory of that piece of pink paper and how awful it made me feel is still fresh in my mind, and maybe that's why i feel the urge to hit the books(or in my case, a huge pile of notes) and bury my head in them like i should have done long ago.

Goodbye social life, hello life with books for friends.


Anonymous said...

HAHA!! We should have more small swim team study sessions!! XD

sam said...

haha yes, ones that you'll go for. =)

YOKE MUN said...