Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I'm speaking to Yan now and i think she helped me put certain things into perspective (as always).
=) thank you! 

It's ridiculous, How i feel the way i do. I know it's pointless, I know it's foolish. But i just can't help it. Maybe i really could.
I just don't want to. 

When i said something along those lines, this is what she told me:

its alright

things dont have to have a point

just like candy

thats why its candy!

It's amazing how a person is able to love/like/hate/dislike so many people at any one time, even more amazing is how we're able to harbor all those feelings, strong as they are, for just one person. 
I don't know how we do it. We just do.

I tell myself and others that i've given up, yet i know i haven't, not completely at least. I need to let you let me let go. But i don't want to. 
It's funny how we're willing to put up with all that pain just for those little moments of excitement, of exhilaration. 
damn it