Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Woes of No Phone

Man, it feels horrible not having a phone.
Like, every time i want to go out of class, i keep wondering where my phone is because i usually bring it around with me.
Then i remember that it got stolen and i'd feel like shit all over again.
I've got a habit of just grabbing my phone, unlocking it, looking at the screen and putting it down again just for the fun of it.
Now that i've got no phone, to grab, it feels so weird.
No phone=no idea what time it is. I had no idea i got to school that early today.
I didn't even know what time i boarded the bus, alighted from the bus or even reached my homeroom. 
Hardly slept the night before also because i didn't have an alarm(not really because of history).
Kept waking up a odd hours to make sure i didn't oversleep.
Then today, fel did some stupid stuff and i wanted to snap a photo. Felt awful when i realised i didn't have my phone to do that.
Seriously, it feels like a limb's been cut off. I feel so handicapped man. 

I hate this, it's horrible.
I want my phone back.

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