Thursday, January 29, 2009

I like being home early on a school day, especially when nothing's due the tomorrow. It makes me believe that i can cope with everything life is throwing at me, that i might actually make it through this school year. School, this year, has been a whirlwind of stuff to do, stuff to go to and just.. things.   
I miss how we used to take things so much slower, how things weren't taken so seriously as they are now. I miss the days in SJC where we used to sit at the bus stop, missing bus after bus after bus just to chat about everything under the sun and nothing at all. I want to go back to having so little to worry about, taking each day as it came and not planning for the future because we thought the future was eons away, we thought we'd never get there. 
I miss the SR days, where did everything we wanted to without having to think about what would happen to us. We never studied then, never felt the need to. I miss how we'd hang out after school everyday, going home and coming to mine at the oddest hours of the night/morning just because we wanted to. The easy friendships that were forged, the way we were so comfortable with each other.
I miss the first year in CJ, where everyone took things so much more lightly. Well, i did anyway. I miss going out almost everyday, hanging around after lessons doing nothing. I don't do that anymore, i just go home now, or for training. 
Well, i guess that chapter of my life's over. Honestly, right now, like that chapter of my life, i wish this one were over too.

It's my heart you're stealing; you take; you're dealing with; you'll break
It's my heart you're taking; you're breaking bit by bit; you're dealing with